Advent of Code 2021 - Day 13
The problem
Given a list of coordinates and folding instructions, how many points are visible after the first fold.
Since i was not fully awake this morning, i spent 20 minutes wondering why my result was not correct because i tried to get visible points in the last fold.
Intial thoughs
At first i tried to create a matrix with given coordinates, then try to do the folding and let them iterate through the matrix to get the visible points, easy peasy lemon squeezy, right ?!
So i spent the next 10 minutes to properly handle the matrix, first detect the max size of the paper, then fill all the empty items with 0. Finally comes the folding logic. However, this seems too tedious for me with all the array manipulation, i would have finished this problem in another 1 hour ?.
Another approach
Do i really have to use matrix to solve this problem ? the matrix approach makes every calculation seems too long because we have to iterate through rows and columns. And i only need to know if a given coordinate has a dot or not, so maybe a map is enough ?
So what next is how are we gonna handle the fold logic ?
For the folding part, i figured out a pattern, so everything with x < new x (the new x is the folding line) stays the same. Beyond the folding point it would "reflect". The reflected x can be calculated using the formula maxX - ( x - maxX) which deductes to 2 * maxX - x. Same thing applies to the vertical fold.
With these results, we can determinate the new coordinate of given point after folding. The rest now is update our Map with the correct values ✨
In my code, a vertical fold would have a coordinate [x, -1] and a horizontal fold is [-1, y]
Print output
As a requirement of part 2, we need to know after folding X times the paper, what characters we can see in the final results. Now we are going to need some logics to print out all the coordinates in our map.
const printCoords = (maxX, maxY, currentCoords) => {
for (let j = 0; j < maxY; j++) {
let row = "";
for (let i = 0; i < maxX; i++) {
if (currentCoords[getCoordLabel(i, j)]) {
row += "#";
} else {
row += ".";
Final result
With all the parts combines together, now we can see the result. Those Elves cannot stop me now !
That's it for today, thank you for reading 😄. I hope you had fun doing this puzzle like i did today