Explore essential Vue.js component testing strategies, from effective test structuring to simulating user behavior and understanding Vue's lifecycle intricacies. Elevate your testing game and craft reliable tests that withstand application evolution.
Day 16 - Advent of Code 2021Advent of Code 2021
[https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/16]The problem
Given a encoded message with different operator, our mission is to decode the
message and
Day 15 - Advent of Code 2021Advent of Code 2021
[https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/15]The problem
Start at top left corner [0,0] of and matrix, find the shortest possible path
The problem
Given a polymer template and a list of pair insertion rules. Repeat the pair
insertion process a few times and find out quantity of the most common element
and subtract the
Day 13 - Advent of Code 2021Advent of Code 2021
[https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/13]The problem
Given a list of coordinates and folding instructions, how many points are
visible after the